
The Liebster Award

A couple weeks ago I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the magical Amber over at Only True Magic. Check out her blog because it is absolutely wonderful!

So I have only had my blog since August of this year! It has been such an amazing and incredibly experience blogging with everyone, and getting to know each my followers on a more personal level as well. I feel like I have made many wonderful friends, and all of the book recommendations doesn’t hurt :).  Thank you Amber for the nomination. Thank you for considering my blog worth the follow and the recommendation. You’re the best!!

The Liebster Award

The Rules:

  • Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
  • Answer 11 question that the blog gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 followers.
  • Let the blogs know you have nominated them.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

The Questions:

  1. Do you prefer baths or showers? What’s your fancy bathing ritual?

I don’t have a fancy bathing ritual, honestly I don’t like being wet so I get in and get out.

Guy Fieri or Anthony Bourdain? State your reasoning.

Well I love both food and traveling…but both of these guys kind of annoy me. So if I am watching TV, neither. But is I get to guest appear on their show, Guy Fieri, because food!

What’s the one thing that you do that sends you into a state of utter relaxation?

Reading. Nothing beats reading in my bed with a cup of tea and my cat!

How do you feel about Drake?

This singer? I don’t feel anything.

What are your plans for higher education?

I already have, for the most part, my higher education creds. I have a B.S.

Degree in Environmental Science. I haven’t decided if I will go any higher. It’s not a necessity in my chosen career field, but we will see.

If you were to star in a musical, which one would it be?

I am only slightly ashamed at saying this, but probably that Beach movie that was on Disney a year ago. I really enjoyed watching it (with my niece and nephew of course 😉 ) and it was fun.

When you think about manatees, what kind of feelings do you experience?

Uncertainty at this question 🙂

What are your ultimate goals with your blog?

I don’t have any specific goals for the blog except to meet many new

people! I think I might be interested in some blog tours…maybe.

Which books are you looking forward to reading in 2016?

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare, it’s really all I can think about!

Do you think you’re too old for ya novels? Why or why not?

Absolutely not! I am a firm believer that you should read what you want! As long as you are reading there is nothing wrong with it.

Have you read any non-fiction books? Which one is your favorite?

I don’t read many non-fiction books. Out of what I have read though I will say Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. She outlines the toxic behavior and chemicals of the Pesticide Industry. She documents the detrimental effect on the environment and people’s health. I loved how she didn’t just set the blame on any one agency, but that she told the truth; that this a tragic burden that we all carry and we all have a small part to play in it.

The Facts:

These facts are getting harder to create. I hope I don’t repeat any for you guys!

    1. I am a Cassandra Clare fanatic! Shadowhunters are just under Harry Potter in my fangirl repertoire.
    2. If I had to choose any fantasy creature to be, I would be an Elf.
    3. I am long past the age to attend Hogwarts so I am just awaiting my letter to be a teacher amongst the fine Witched and Wizards.
    4. I don’t read much Romance or Contemporary but when I do it is often Nora Roberts.
    5. I love anything J.K Rowling does. I loved The Casual Vacancy, and I am loving A Cuckoos Calling.
    6. I don’t like wearing shoes, but I am a fan of socks.
    7. I am addicted to soapy scents, and the smell of clothes in the sun.
    8. I am a Whovian, but I haven’t watched any of the new seasons. I can’t even bring myself to watch 11’s ending (it also took my months to watch 10s).
    9. I tell people I will answer any questions they have when I am at works, and sometimes they will say “what is the meaning of life” and I’ll answer ’42’. I love saying that, of course I haven’t yet met anyone who understood what I was saying :(.
    10. I have a gift theme. Peace signs and Elephants. People always get me those things. Which I love!
    11. I HATE being cold! It is the worst!


I Tag…


Maria @ Marwhal Reads

Yasmin and Paige @ The Wild Readers

Emma @ The Booklover

Kelsey @ Don’t Sush Me

Aeneta @ InspireScript

Mishi @ My Tokyo Blues

Sue @ Sue’s Reading Corner

Rapture in Books

Teens and Tweens Book CLub



The Questions:

  1. Do you travel? What is your favorite place to go to?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. Do you write, or are you purely a reader?
  4. What was the book that turned you into a reader?
  5. Name you two top favorite series.
  6. Do you have a comfort food?
  7. WHat book (s) are you currently reading?
  8. Do you have any pets?
  9. What was your favorite subject in school?
  10. How did you get started in blogging?
  11. What are your hopes for the future for your blog?


That is it, that is all my friends. Thank you for sticking around to the end of this posts.; and for those I tagged I really look forward to seeing your posts! Of course you do not have to feel obligated to accepting this award. No worries :).


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