Bookish Tags

The Seasons of Book Blogging- TAG

Once upon a time there was a lovely blogger who became overwhelmed with lists of bookish tags, so she, brilliantly, decided to spend a week catching up; and what a week it was…

J. Bookish has recently finished her week of tags (and by recently I mean a week ago…look at me being all behind 🙂 ) and has marked the wonderful occasion with a tag of her own! It is a very creative and wonderful bookish tag and I can’t wait start it…so let’s not wait!

Thank you, thank you for the Tag J!

The Seasons of Book Blogging

The Rules

  • Thank the creator (so she can see all of your answers!) and the person who tagged you.
  • Begin with the month in which you have been tagged and move forward from there!
  • State the best gift you’ve ever been given after you answer the question for your birthday month.
  • Tag whomever you’d like when you’re finished.. or else you’ll be “it” forever.
  • Have fun, of course!


November is the month when we’re reminded of how much we have to be thankful for. Choose one book you’re grateful for having read and give a shout-out to the person who recommended it!

12936I am very thankful that I continued this series. I loved The Giver so much that I was disappointed that the other books would have nothing to do with the first book. However, my best friend (she doesn’t have a blog 😦 ) convinced me to read the rest; and I am so happy I did! Gathering Blue, though really had nothing to do at all with the world of The Giver was every bit as wonderful!




December is a time when friends and families come together and celebrate. Name one book you would give as a gift.

16096824That’s a hard one to answer. The readers in my family are very diverse. I will have to say ACOTAR though because…EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT! 🙂






January begins a new year. Name a resolution you made this year and if you’ve kept it or not!

I can’t remember what my resolution was, or if I even made one. However, I am sure if I did make one…I did not keep it.

February is the month for relationships. Name your favorite book relationship: romantic, platonic, or familial, your choice!

0c574032ca96e22c2dfcdc9a488512cbAbsolutely the Bromance of William Herondale and James Carstairs. You don’t get much gut wrenching beautiful than that!

*picture from shadowhunter wiki

February is my Birthday month! My favorite present is my jade elephant necklace from my BFF. I unfortunately lost it though :'(.


March is the month for luck and new beginnings. Name a book or series that you would like to re-experience as if you’d never read it.

download (1)The Harry Potter series of course.


April is a spectacularly ordinary month. Name a book that was so over-hyped that it just could not live up to your expectations.

16278318I am not a fan of the writing style. However, the premise is just so cool that I was greatly disappointed in not liking this.





May is the month when the flowers start to bloom. Name a book that was a pleasant surprise to you.

41865I will admit that, at first, I was dead set against reading this book. It just seemed weird to me. Then I made a deal with my best friend. If she watched Doctor Who with me, I would watch the movies. Well, I really enjoyed the movies; so I picked up the books, and I really enjoyed those as well. Well, it didn’t hurt that I read The Host before Twilight; since I freaking LOVED the host; it just made me want to read her other books that much more.



June is the time to take a break. Name a book or genre that you like to read when you just need to check out.

I would say, probably Cozies. I don’t read them very often so when I am in a reading block I will pick one up and just refresh.

July is the time to celebrate your independence! Name a book that made you see fireworks. (Figuratively. Please don’t light books on fire.)

5This was the first book that popped into my head for this question. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is my favorite book and my favorite movie from the series!






August is the hottest month of the year. Pick an up-and-coming author that you think will be the next hottest thing.

PrintI couldn’t find a picture of the author…but anyway; Max Wirestone is brilliant, and hilarious!  I can’t wait to read more from this author!

My Review of The Unfortunate Decisions of Dahlia Moss.





September is time for students to go back to school! Pick a book you read for school that you actually enjoyed.

6288I don’t remember ever really disliking any of them, but this one was my favorite!

I would have gone with To Kill a Mockingbird…but I think I may have been the only person (well and my class) to not have read this in school! haha





October is time to celebrate Halloween! Pick one character that you would love to dress up as for Halloween.

LadyGaladrielLady Galadriel, because elves are bad ass!


You’re Tagged…

Ashley @ Socially Awkward Bookworm

Away In Neverland

My Tiny Obsessions

Comfy Reading

Alex The Shadowgirl’s Blog

The Coffeeholic Bookworm

Kelsey @ Don’t You Shush Me

Confessions of a Book Geek



Of course this tag is no obligation to you, I realize that we get back logged with these tags sometimes. Also, I Tag YOU! If I didn’t officially tag you and you would like to participate, consider yourself tagged.

And absolutely go check out J’s blog and let her know you participated!










13 thoughts on “The Seasons of Book Blogging- TAG

  1. Yay! I LOVE the Giver. I’m doing a book talk with the class I assistant teach for on it today and I’m very excited. I haven’t read Gathering Blue but now I feel like I should! I read The Road in school and loved it too, it’s such an original book.

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